Koda Rhodesian Ridgebacks
9640 Hardin Rd
Colorado Spring, CO 80908
1 point - October 1, 2000, Heart of the Plains Kennel Club, Judge Eric Liebes
1 point - March 4, 2001, Garden City KS Kennel Club, Judge Polly Smith
3 points - April 21, 2001, Manhattan Kansas Kennel Club, Judge Stanley B. Halley
4 points - May 14, 2001, Rio Grande Kennel Club, Judge Robert L. Boothe
1 point - May 19, 2001, Durango Kennel Club, Judge Lester Mapes
3 points - May 27, 2001, Laramie Kennel Club, Judge Robert Ligon
June 24, 2001 - International Championship (IABCA)
3 points - August 26, 2001 - Heart of American KC, Judge Prof. Douglas C. Taylor
Sophie easily finished her ASFA Field Championship, and earned 4 majors towards her AKC Field Championship - needing just 1 point to finish.
Sophie has also earned a Herding Instinct Certificate - signifying that she has inherited the instinct to herd sheep - hopefully, without eating them!
OFA hips - good
OFA elbows/thyroid/cardiac/CERF/BAER - normal
Copyright 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022
Koda Rhodesian Ridgebacks.
All rights reserved.
Koda Rhodesian Ridgebacks
9640 Hardin Rd
Colorado Spring, CO 80908